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B-Line operates seven days a week. Some routes do not operate every day. Check the timetable of the individual route for exact days and hours of operation.

B-Line service is not provided on the following holidays:
  • New Year's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day (July 4th)
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
Service hours by location

Service hours by location

Chico: Service starts at 5:50am Monday through Saturday.
Service ends by 10pm during the week. Some routes end earlier, please see the route schedule for the route you're looking for.
Paratransit service on Saturdays is 7:00am-6:00pm. Sundays is 7:50am-6:00pm.
Paradise/Magalia: Service starts at 6:35am Monday through Friday. Saturday service starts at 9:45am.
Service ends at 7:20pm Monday through Friday. Saturday service ends at 6:00pm.
Oroville: Service starts at 5:50am Monday through Friday. Weekend service starts at 7:50am.
Service ends at 8:00pm during the week and 6:00pm on the weekends.
Gridley/Biggs: Service is commuter only. Please refer to the timetables for Routes 30 and 32 for information.
For information regarding paratransit in this area, please call the Gridley Feather Flyer at (530) 370-1945.