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Frequently Asked Questions (Fixed Route)


The three transit centers in Chico, Paradise and Oroville, along with the Forest Avenue Transfer Point, are designed to make transfers between routes quick and easy. In looking at the B-Line schedule you should notice that almost every route that goes to a Transit Center is timed to meet up with other buses.

In addition, many routes have well-timed connections away from the transit centers. Listed here are descriptions of some of the more useful connection points. There are many other transfer points, but these are some of the most common.   (In the descriptions below, TC = Transit Center)

If the route you are planning to transfer to has a tight time connection, be sure to let your driver know you are planning to transfer, so the other bus can watch for you. Because the whole system runs on timed transfers and connection points, the driver generally cannot wait more than three minutes for a transfer from a bus that is running behind schedule.

To get between Chico and Oroville
Runs on Route 20 are timed to meet with the local routes in both Chico and Oroville at each TC. To get to Chico from Thermalito, take Route 24 and transfer to Northbound Route 20 at Butte County Public Works.

To get to Clark Road from Magalia
Take Westbound Route 41 and transfer to the Eastbound Route 40 at either the Paradise TC, or Skyway/Wagstaff, or Skyway/Clark. The location depends on the timing for that particular run.

To get to Magalia from Clark Road
Take Westbound Route 40 and transfer to Eastbound Route 41 at either the Paradise TC, or Skyway/Wagstaff, or Skyway/Clark. The location depends on the timing for that particular run.

To get to Paradise & Chico from Magalia on Saturday
Take the a.m. Route 41 from Magalia and transfer to Route 40 at Skyway & Wagstaff. This run is timed to allow taking Route 40 to either Clark Road, or to Chico. In the p.m. take Route 40 back to Skyway & Wagstaff, then transfer to Route 41. There is also one midday run which goes directly from Magalia to Chico, via Clark.

To get to/from Pleasant Valley High School to/from Lassen Avenue
Getting to PVHS: Take Northbound Route 15, transfer to Southbound Route 7 at Lassen & Ceres. PVHS to Lassen: Take the Northbound Route 7, transfer to Southbound Route 15 at Ceres & Lassen.

To get to/from Chico Community Employment Center/MLK & Work Training Center to/from Oroville/Paradise
Coming to Chico: Take Routes 20, 40 & 41 to the Forest Xfer, then take Northbound Route 15. All day connections for the CEC/MLK. For WTC use 7:34 a.m. time only. Leaving Chico: Take Southbound Route 15 to the Forest Xfer, then transfer to respective route (20, 40 or 41). If coming from WTC, use the Southbound Route 15 that arrives at Forest Xfer at 3:54 p.m.

To get between Gridley and Oroville Wal-Mart on Saturday  
Take Northbound Route 30, transfer to Southbound Route 20 at the Oroville TC. For return trip, catch Northbound Route 20 at Feather River & Oro Dam Blvd, transfer to Southbound Route 30 at TC.


My stop is not shown on the map or timetable. Will the bus stop there
The B-Line schedules only list selected time points on each route. The bus will stop at every stop location along that route if people are waiting there, not only at the listed time points. A complete list of stop locations by route is available on the individual route pages.  You can estimate the time the bus will be at your stop by looking at the nearest time points before and after your selected stop.
You can also use the Plan My Ride tool to see how far away your bus is from your stop in real time.
Do any routes have variations on specific runs?
 To accommodate some specific needs, certain routes do vary on specific runs.
Route 20 the first two runs and the last three runs in Oroville go by the Park and Ride lot at 3rd & Grand. 
Route 20 the first three runs (outbound) in the morning and two afternoon returning (inbound) runs do not serve Forest Avenue in Chico. Please check the schedule for specifics.
Route 26 alternates between going to Kelly Ridge and Orange and Acacia. Please check the schedule to make sure it's going where you need.
Route 41 the first inbound morning run (starting in Magalia and going towards Chico) and the last outbound evening run (starting in Chico and going towards Paradise Pines) serves the Carnegie/Coulter loop.
When will Route 40 and 41 go back to normal?
We are constantly evaluating the situation on the Ridge post-Camp Fire and will add service back to the routes serving Magalia and Paradise as conditions change. You can see the current schedule here.
The strip on the back of my card is faded and doesn't work anymore. Can I get a replacement?
Fare cards can be replaced on a case by case basis by visiting the BCAG office at 326 Huss Drive, Suite 150. If you're unable to visit BCAG in person, you can mail your card in with a self addressed and stamped envelope and an explanation of what happened to:
326 Huss Drive, Suite 150
Chico, CA 95928
It will be mailed back as soon as a decision is made.
I want to make a comment about the bus system. What do I do?
Please feel free to Contact Us anytime with comments, questions, concerns, praise, or complaints.
You can reach us by phone, email, Facebook message, or by using the comment cards that are on the buses and mailing them in.
I bought the wrong bus pass. Can I get a refund?
We do not offer refunds for any purchase, however if you come to the BCAG office on a case-by-case basis we can help with exchanges of unused passes.
How many bags can I bring on the bus with me?
You can bring a reasonable number of bags with you that can be safely stowed for the trip and that you can remove from the bus in one trip. If you have questions on a specific scenario involving your personal items, please reach out and give us a call.
What can I do if I have lost something on the bus?
Lost and found items that are retreived by B-Line or BCAG staff are kept for 30-days. Items can be claimed at the B-line office located at 326 Huss Drive, Suite #125, Chico, CA, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. If you think you may have lost an item while using B-Line, we strongly suggest that you give the B-Line customer service a call prior to coming to the office. They can be reached at 530-342-0221 during the hours listed above. You can also contact us via our online contact form here or via email at
What about bicycles on the bus?
We love it when B-Line riders are able to use bikes and buses together to get around! Bike racks are located on the front of all B-Line buses. Read more here about some of the logistics and expectations about bringing your bike along on the bus. 
Are animals allowed on the bus?
Animals, other than service animals, are not permitted onboard B-Line unless in a secured cage. Disruptive behavior from any animal is not allowed. B-Line follows the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations (FTA 49 CFR - Section 37.3, Section  37.167(d)) on the definition of a service animal. A transit employee may ask two questions: (1) is the animal a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the animal been trained to perform.