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Reach Butte County with Your Message

Reach Butte County with Your Message

B-Line currently operates 21 routes throughout Butte County with a fleet of 34 fixed route vehicles. The annual ridership on B-Line is approximately 650,000. There are up to 26 buses on the streets at any given time. Following is the B-Line Advertising Policies as of March 2025.
Click link to view:
Advertising cards are placed on all fixed route vehicles. Vehicles are not route or location specific. Placement of the ad within the vehicles cannot be guaranteed; however, if two cards are placed in a single vehicle, every effort will be made to place them at opposite ends. For contracts longer than two months, the advertiser can replace cards with new ad copies upon approval from B-Line staff.
Advertising space in the vehicle is sold as a package for all fixed route vehicles with one ad card in each bus. A second ad card may be placed on the buses to include 58 total cards, with the second card receiving a discount. Prices vary depending on the length of the placement and the size of the ad card. Eligible non-profit agencies will receive a 25% discount. Payment is due in full one week before ads will be displayed. 
Advertisers are responsible for furnishing ad cards. The racks are standard 11 inches in height. If the card is laminated, please ensure the size is 11 inches. The top and bottom edges are seated in a groove so please account for ¼ inch on each edge when laying out the ad copy. Ads must be placed on card stock or laminated.
Ads must be approved by B-Line staff. Advertisements that are false, misleading, or deceptive; tobacco or tobacco-related products; vaping or cannabis products; alcohol or alcohol related products; political campaigns or political issues; obscene or pornographic; promote firearms; or that infringe on any copyright, trade or service mark, title or slogan are not accepted.
All printed material and payment must be delivered to the B-Line office at least one week prior to the start date:Butte Regional Transit Interior Ads
Butte Regional Transit Interior Ads
ATTN: Transit Manager
326 Huss Drive Suite 150
Chico, CA 95928
B-Line is not responsible for any vandalism to the ad cards. Vandalized cards will be replaced if extra cards can be provided. Please note that in general, vandalism onboard the bus is not a regular occurrence.
For any questions please contact Amy White at 530-809-4616 x 1135 or
Interior Bus Advertising Rates

Interior Bus Advertising Rates

1 card per vehicle (34 cards)
  11x17 11x28 11x34/35 11x42
1-2 months $495 $530 $565 $595
3-8 months $430 $465 $495 $530
9-12 months $400 $430 $465 $495
Two cards per vehicle (68 total cards)
1-2 months $745 $795 $845 $895
3-8 months $645 $695 $745 $795
9-12 months $595 $645 $695 $745
Rates are per month